My $.02
I know I am echoing some other posters, but I've been asked to do this very thing.
1. Make sure you have backing of your BOD. Without this no one can umpire effectively.
2. Try to get the best umps in your area--make sure they have (or teach them) a subspecialty in Dixie ball. Since I live in Connecticut, I have no idea what Dixie is about.
3. Make plans to speak at a pre-season coaches' meeting. Stress a) umps in the ensuing season will be better, more savvy and more knowledgable. b) umps will enforce all rules. IMHO, don't mention conduct or EJs--it
is too threatening.
4. Get all of your arbiters on the same page. Outline how bad conduct will not be tolerated ... and how to nip same in the bud. If just one of your crew allows bad behavior, it weakens your entire group.
5. In-game, show steely confidence without arrogance. Encourage as little socializing between coaches and umps as possible. Be the last ones on the field ... and the first ones off it.
Ace Holleran
There is no such thing as idiot-proof, only idiot-resistant.