Originally Posted by tidefanintenn
Dixie is the only youth baseball in our area. The leagues pay the umpires around $25-30 a game. Their are plenty of good umpires this league just never used them. They always tried to use kids from the local high school. This year tey had two incidences where coaches almost fought on the field becuase the kid umps did not know how to settle the sitch. I have started putting together a group of umpires that are well qualified and knowledgeable about baseball so nextyear the quality of umpires will be as good as could be expected. HOw can we rein in these coaches that have pushed kids into reversing calls and changing their minds because someone's dad got mad?
I know how I can handle it but do not want to be complete hard a$$.
Thanks Tuss for the info. I have got some of the local High school umps coming in as well.
Dixie isn't the only youth baseball in West Tennessee. In fact, I'd say close to half the leagues are playing Cal Ripken now. I know Dyersburg, Jackson and a few places south of Jackson still play Dixie, but most everything north of Jackson is Cal Ripken now (Martin, Milan, Newbern, Lake County, Greenfield, etc.). I like the Ripken rules better (closer to OBR) but Dixie seems to be a lot more organized.