Here is an off-field story from one of my nationals.
We were originally scheduled for Labor Day weekend, but some hurricane pushed us back to October. There were some last minute cancellations from teams so we all arrived on Wednesday but there were no games until Friday. A small group of us from various locations, some had worked together at previous nationals, planned on spending the day doing some sight seeing and whatever. One of us (not me) decided to pull a Starsky & Hutch or Dukes of Hazzard stunt and slide across the hood of the car. Well, he was a little low and didn't quite clear the hood on approach. This left a nice a$$ print in the front side panel. We decided on a quick fix hoping to dupe the rental agency and so we went in search of some dent removal gadget you may have seen in some infomercial. We found one at a local convenience type auto related store. It consisted of a handle that bridged the dent, and piece with threads to adhere to the dent and a bolt like spinny thingy that would pull the threaded piece and thereby fix the dent. The threaded piece had multiple 'head' attachments and was adhered to the car with glue from a glue gun. Well, we did not have a glue gun, but we did manage to borrow (permanently) someones lighter. So we spent about three hours burning our fingers trying to melt the glue to adhere to the gadget to fix the dent. It looked so simple on the commercial, just attach and pull and voila, no more dent.
While it wasn't so exciting tryiing to fix the dent, we did have a ton of laughs and will never forget that weekend.
Work hard, do as your instructed, and have fun.
Wade Ireland
Softball Umpire