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Old Thu Jul 20, 2006, 07:36am
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Rich Rich is offline
Get away from me, Steve.
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Originally Posted by Carl Childress
Very funny!

Of course, the National Federation system calls for that mechanic, which is the way the pros did it in the two-person system from 1905 to 1970 or thereabouts.

I'm always amazed that "modern" umpires, like you, know so much more than those in the Hall of Fame.

BTW: I won't wear the dangler, either. It's not a rule that can be enforced unless the State Association does it. Who will police it? It's among the more stupid moves they've made. Two rules where I think they screwed up worse are: (1) Allowing the pitcher in the set position to check the runners by swinging his shoulders; and (2) reinstating the appeal rule.

Lah, me.
1970 was 36 years ago, Carl. You'd think the NFHS would catch up by now.

Thanks for letting me know, though, that the NFHS hasn't changed this mechanic since I toss my manual away every year the second it arrives. With the far superior CCA manual, who needs it?
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