Thread: No Brainer?
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Old Tue Jul 18, 2006, 01:40pm
SanDiegoSteve SanDiegoSteve is offline
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Originally Posted by PWL
This is a classic case of obsessive control behavior. Tim should worry about what Tim does and less about what his partner did as he has no control over that situation. If it bothered you that much you should have run down the base line and thrown the player out and you would not be obsessing over it so much later.

The way I've handled this problem on a couple of occasions in the past was to simply walk over to the coach and tell him if you don't want to deal with the problem, I will. They know what I'm talking about and said problem is taken care. Much easier and less painless on all parties involved. This comes from being around the game for many years and understanding the principles involved.
Just what is your ejection count up to now? Inquiring minds want to know!

Speaking of obsession, you seem to have an obsession for responding to Tim and me, and not so much to anyone else. Using the third person singular does not disguise your intent of a personal attack.

TussAgee11, I believe I have located your magical troll.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25