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Old Tue Jul 18, 2006, 01:13pm
jwwashburn jwwashburn is offline
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Originally Posted by mcrowder
Let me answer that THIS way - you should not KNOW anything at all along these lines. You should not be involved at all in the determination of who can and cannot play. Even if you were the one that ejected said player, each game is a new game - and whatever maneuverings are going on with rosters and eligibility outside the park are truly none of our business. Just call the game - let the administrators deal with administration.
Well, I KNOW(for instance) that LL requires a one game suspension after any ejection. If I eject a kid on the last game Thursday night and see him in uniform for the first game on Friday morning, then I would be helping him and his coach break the rules if I did nothing and let him play.

I would handle it this way: I arrive at the field with my partner(s) I see #17 in uniform. I tell the tournament director BEFORE the meeting at home plate and have HIM deal with it now so that it is not my problem later.


Last edited by jwwashburn; Tue Jul 18, 2006 at 01:21pm.
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