I've had to eject an umpire in the middle of a game in an adult slowpitch tournament.
A few years ago I was TD and got called to a field to handle a protest. The complaining coach was protesting that the BU just ejected a second player from his team. I politely informed the coach that was not a protestable call, and the protest was denied. Clearly there were some huge issues on this field, as both teams were going nuts. I decided to let the coach have a few minutes to scream at me, hoping this would calm things down. It was the usual, "This guy hates us and is trying to eject us until we forfeit, our second guy didn't even do anything, blah, blah, blah."
Somewhere along the line the BU decides to get involved in this discussion. It became very clear that he was not going to calm down and was in no mental condition to keep calling games. I got the UIC and we herded the umpires off to a corner and tried to settle things down. The BU was absolutely not going to calm down, even though we were certainly not going to overrule his ejection(s). At some point, he shouted, the game is over, they don't have any more substitutes." The PU pointed out a substitute getting ready to enter the game, and said they have enough to keep playing. The BU then pointed at the nearest player and said, "Then he's ejected, too!"
At that point I broke off the discussions with the umpires, went to talk to the complaining coach and told him that we would not overrule the first two ejections and didn't say anything about the third ejection. The coach was mostly settled down by then and told me his team preferred to take the loss and forget about it. As much as I hated to do it, I accepted his decision and called the game.
I then went back to the UIC and told him that the BU was no longer able to call games; he was never going to get back into the right attitude. We told him it was time to leave.
The next day I heard from several players on a different field that as he passed them on his way to the parking lot, he was saying that he was going to go get his buddies and come back and shoot up the entire complex.
He has not worked for us since.