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Old Sun Jul 16, 2006, 09:16pm
briancurtin briancurtin is offline
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Originally Posted by lmathews19
I know many guys who at youth stuff like this will actually acknowledge the fans and dump them just like they were coaches. Did I do the right thing by ignoring them? My thinking is if I acknowledge them, it will just get worse.
if they are on the other side of the fence, i do not care who they are, what they are doing, etc...until it becomes a threat to the players or myself. ive read on here and some other forums about fans throwing chairs on the field and stuff like that, which cannot be tolerated. some knucklehead standing behind the dugout saying "that pitch is right there" on every pitch can be ignored. i think you did the right thing.

if you acknowledge them, then they got you. they know you are hearing what they are saying, and they know they are under your skin. you are right in most cases that it will only get worse
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