Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Why does your state/local association believe that it takes that long for an official to be of top quality?
It doesn't. It's just an observation of the typical career projression of the majority of officials. Some get there much quicker, some never do.
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Wouldn't the counter effects of aging actually push the more senior official down the ladder? For example, the degrading physical qualities of a 60 year old ref who has been in it for 30 years might put him on par with a 7 yr ref.
Come on, we're not talking 60 year olds. The guys I'm talking about are in their 30's and 40's. I certainly agree with you on your point...there comes a time when age takes it's toll. There are very few 60 year old ref's working varsity ball and those that are work lower levels.
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
I don't know what the average age is that most HS officials take up the avocation, but let's just guess that it is about age 30. That means that your 10 year official is 40 and your 20 year vet is 50.
Do we really want three 50+ officials out there chasing 17 yr old players up and down the court on a State Final?
Again, wrong ages. Most of the bunch is 35-40 with may a couple approaching 50....most of them also work college ball. They are the best officials, even if a couple of them couldn't match up with a 17 year old in a sprint.
Originally Posted by Nevadaref
Clearly experience and age are on opposite sides of the scales. As one gains experience the cost is paid by your youth fading away..
So shouldn't we strive to strike an optimum balance between the two?
What is that point? I think that would make for an interesting debate.
Absolutely. But the point of my posts was that some good officials are giving it up before they even have any real experience...after 2-4 years. It's a phenomona all to common in modern culture....everyone wants to be hired into a CEO position straight out of college.