Thu Jul 13, 2006, 06:07pm
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2005
Location: Lakeside, California
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Originally Posted by BuggBob
One out bases loaded, Batter hits and infield fly. Both me and partner make the call, second baseman drops the ball, runners take off. when the dust is clear, two runs are in and the are runners at third and second. Well we all know that the runner at second is the batter. I tell the coach infield fly the batter is out. Coach is okay with it, but the runner won't leave base. Coach ask for time and goes to get little Johnnie Cries-alot, as he is big Johnnie rushes onto the field from somewhere in the stands (with a beer in hand) yelling at me for calling Jr. out on a dropped ball. Before he can get there and before I can say anything, two other dads tackle him in the dirt and drag him kicking and screaming from the field. The coaches and kids just stood there pale faced with their mouths wide open. Everybody, and I mean everybody associated with the team could not apologize to me enough. I felt bad for little Johnnie, he could have been a good player, but I never saw him play again as no team wanted that much parental baggage.
That is just plain strange! Drinking beer at a Little League game, how bizarre.
Matthew 15:14, 1 Corinthians 1:23-25