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Old Mon Jul 10, 2006, 11:09pm
TussAgee11 TussAgee11 is offline
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Originally Posted by Dave Hensley
No offense, but you're describing the persona of an "umpire nazi" and your zero tolerance policy will quickly earn you a reputation that will not get you invited to the bigger games.

Yes, they're learning. One of the things they ought to be able to learn is that baseball is a competitive, emotional game and when a call doesn't go your way, a normal emotional reaction - if kept reasonable - should NOT result in an umpire yelling an insulting putdown at you across the field.

Zero tolerance is really just "zero game management." I hope you'll give this feedback you're receiving thoughtful consideration, rather than just debate and justify your position.
I understand what you are saying. Perhaps I should better clarify sequence of events. The call happened. The 3rd base coach yelled in disgust (can't really remember what he said this time). He then walked down the foul line some (maybe 5-10 feet), and yelled again, perhaps 5 seconds later "THAT WAS AN AWFUL CALL". I looked at him and he was standing there, arms crossed, staring at me. He then yelled "HOW DO YOU MAKE THAT CALL!"

How long do I let this guy "Blow Steam" before I've had enough, or should have had enough? I don't mind coaches yelling right away, because that just means they care. Getting energy out is ok to a degree, and its an emotional game, but should I really be tolerating the action I saw today on any level of game?

I appreciate your input, and right now I guess maybe I'm debating and justifying my position, as you advised me not to do. But if you want to say I'm wrong, that's your right, I figured I'd give you all the facts so you could do so knowing the full situation. I just wanted to ask you questions on how to improve my umpiring

Last edited by TussAgee11; Mon Jul 10, 2006 at 11:12pm.
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