When do you call out?
Rookie ump here, so help me out please.
Situation 1: LL Senior league, three man crew. I'm in the C position. R2 attempts to steal 3rd. F2 throws down to 3rd, F5 catches, makes the tag on the slide. I have the runner out but not until I can see the ball. I wait a couple of seconds, F5 keeps glove on the ground. I yell "show me the ball". F5 keeps glove on the ground waiting for call. I yell again "show me the ball". He waits, I say "where's the ball" as I don't see anywhere on the ground. Finally, F5 turns his glove around and I see the ball in his glove and I yell out. F5 then raises his glove and as he does, the ball rolls out. No one says word and game goes on. In talking to PU later, I asked him "runner was safe since F5 dropped the ball huh?", he said "yep".
Situation 2:LL Major game, 3 man crew. No runners, no outs. Short fly ball to left. F7 runs in makes the catch but I see he has the ball in the palm and his glove turned upside down. I'm waiting for him to remove the ball from the glove before I call the out. Other base umpire yells "out". In between innings I say to him "what are you doing making my call?" to which he replied "my gosh, how long are you going to wait before you make the call?". I tell him the situation and what I was waiting for. He says "he had the ball, batter is out, make the call".
So, what's a good rule of thumb. Should I wait until fielder removes the ball from the glove in all cases or do I call out and damn the occassional ball slipping out?