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Old Tue Jan 08, 2002, 02:50pm
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally posted by bigwhistle
Originally posted by PP
What do they mean the screener is not deplaced if she/he has the ball.
Usually you do not set a screen if you a have the ball ?

Remember the old "split the post" play where the ball is passed into the post at the free throw line and then the guard tries to brush his defender off on the post as he runs by in order to get a return pass for a lay up? This is an occasion where the screener can be the person with the ball.

But then again, there are a lot of officials here who have never seen that play, since it is not a play run as much as when Jurassic Ref started blowing his air horn, ur, tooting his whistle.
RIght -- and then we need to call the displacement a foul because otherwise the post "traveled."

Too often now, I see this play and the post player sets an illegal screen. I think coaches (okay, SOME coaches) are teaching that it's the sceener's responsibility to initiate contact -- not the player being defended.
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