Originally Posted by bob jenkins
On most fields, and I'll admit there are exceptions, BU can line up the foul pole with a tree or a window, or a light pole, .... beyond the field. The time to set the reference is before the game starts. By using this, BU can get a pretty good look at the ball.
On the default -- if the batter "beat" the pitcher (that is, pulled the ball hard), I rule it fair. Otherwise, I rule it foul.
This is #2 in my "Summer ball mechanics" manual (self-authored, but regrettably unavailable to the masses just yet). On fields that haven't been lined, BU comes in and pivots on that play, and PU takes the catch/no catch and fair/foul call. PU has 1B and the foul pole to use as reference. Bob's suggestion proves that he's never umpired in Texas, where typically the "object" behind the baseball field is the high school football practice field, and beyond that, the lone prairie.