Originally Posted by Pudgedaddy
Why dont we ever hear about umpires,or any officials,for that matter,that get fined or repremanded or demoted for makind obvious bad calls.Why are they the," sacred cows" of sports? No one can question their ability to do their job properly,not even AFTER a game.A player,a coach,even an owner,can get fined BIG money,for just making a comment about an officials incompentence during a game,that may have even determined the outcome of THAT game.I understand that that they are human,just like the rest of us,and they will make mistakes,just like the rest of us,SO LET THEM SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES,just like the rest of us.
First of all official/umpires are hired and fired every year and every season. Secondly, if this happens you will never know about it. For one it is not your business if this happens and unless you know the roster of a league, then you will never know why they left in the first place. If you think the same umpires stay for several years, then you are not as bright as we should give you credit for. All rosters at all levels change or make some adjustments for a lot of reasons. And yes, someone might get fired because of one game or incident under the right circumstances.
Also the funny thing about what you said, "Let them suffer the consequences, just like the rest of us." Now what is funny about that statement is the fact umpires are not talking to the media on a regular basis. So you cannot compare a coach or owner to an umpire that never gives interviews. Secondly I do not know too many times when a player or coach gets fired over one play or even a series of outings. Baseball is a game where you can play just about every day and have several chances for success or failure. I do not see many players getting fired for one bad day at the office. If that was the case, Kerry Wood would have been fired from the Cubs long time ago.