Originally Posted by WeekendRef
"Player must slide or submit to a tag if a play is being made on them . They must make every effort to avoid contact "
It also states that "Barrelling into a fielder can be considered interference or dangerous play which can result in being called out".
To me it is still somewhat nebulous...as what is "a dangerous play" ? Not sure if the runner was called out for interferece or the "dangerous play"
By what the Rec League rules state that are listed - I believe an out declared in either situation would result in a dead ball, with all runners returned to the last base touched at the time of the INT.
Rant on.
From my experience, City/Community/Rec Leagues would be better served simply adhering to, universally deferring to, and re-printing in their league rules the ASA rules regarding crashing into fielders, INT, OBR, etc., rather than confounding things by inventing or continuing to grandfather in old league rules/statements to try to make the environment seem more "rec-friendly." The ASA rule set works very well on its own, IMHO.
Rant off.