Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
You make a point to tell us this is rec ball, but you don't consider running over someone malicious?
From the local rule you cited, it seems the umpire was correct. HTBT, but he was probably right as far as ASA is concerned, also.
As it is Rec Ball there are some guys who if they slid would not be able to get back up

He was not a svelte fella and I don't think getting down was an option for him...he ran the catcher over but also tried to keep him from falling at the same time . "Ran into" not ran over may have been the better phrase .
I am confused on your point about the Umpire being right....are you saying that is should have been a live ball after the contact and the resulting runs should have scored or are you saying he should have been called out because of the contact and the ball should have been declared dead at the point of contact ?
Sorry if I didn't understand you...