Originally Posted by WeekendRef
Ok my bad . I thought it was a uniform rule that you can't run over the catcher (Again, it was not malicious the guy just evidently did not want to slide) . I guess that was my first error...
The umpire was a certified ASA guy and I thought he was handling the game using ASA rules but we do have a no contact rule which I am copying below....as I thought it makes no mention of dead ball or not (written by Parks and Rec dept not softball guys)
"Player must slide or submit to a tag if a play is being made on them . They must make every effort to avoid contact "
It also states that "Barrelling into a fielder can be considered interference or dangerous play which can result in being called out".
To me it is still somewhat nebulous...as what is "a dangerous play" ? Not sure if the runner was called out for interferece or the "dangerous play"
Because your local rule reads similar to the existing ASA rule on interference, my inference would be that the ball would be dead if the out was called based on this local rule. Runners would be sent to the last base touched at the time of the interference.
As for what is a "dangerous play", that would be left to the judgement of the individual umpire.