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Old Thu Jul 06, 2006, 10:45am
WeekendRef WeekendRef is offline
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Posts: 96
Ok my bad . I thought it was a uniform rule that you can't run over the catcher (Again, it was not malicious the guy just evidently did not want to slide) . I guess that was my first error...
The umpire was a certified ASA guy and I thought he was handling the game using ASA rules but we do have a no contact rule which I am copying I thought it makes no mention of dead ball or not (written by Parks and Rec dept not softball guys)
"Player must slide or submit to a tag if a play is being made on them . They must make every effort to avoid contact "
It also states that "Barrelling into a fielder can be considered interference or dangerous play which can result in being called out".
To me it is still somewhat what is "a dangerous play" ? Not sure if the runner was called out for interferece or the "dangerous play"
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