Originally Posted by Dakota
Nothing in the above post, with the exception of me pointing out you act like a troll (which the above post again confirms) is a response to anything I posted.You must have me confused with someone else. The only position I hold wrt softball is as an umpire. You, on the other hand, seem to be full of the position you hold. Or full of something, anyway. Go prance and preen in front of your SoCal umpires. I'll bet they are impressed, too.
What position do I hold? DEPUTY to a UIC is an area smaller than delaware (in CA thats pretty hard to do) and UIC of friggin Amer Leg baseball in this area which consists of begging BASEBALL umpires, most of them LLers.. to work games (Can you imagine that pain?).. I dont even post on the BB board and not only because Tim C is more insufferable than you are.. This is hardly something to brag about and was meant to fend off your attacks that you continue with the troll stuff. NOT BRAG. Didnt work.. it just gave you something more for you to dance around holding your pig tails and repeating over and over.. so was an error in judgement on my part.
Please continue your "hes a troll neener neener neener stuff" there susie.. its kinda funny.