Originally Posted by Dakota
Personally, I think it comes more from your attitude as expressed in your own words.
You apologize, but then continue to characterize what you did in a discussion about whether or not the out on the BR at 1B is technically a force out in terms such as "faced down" someone.
And then crow endlessly about it, and further, assume that everyone else is as small minded as you apparently are and that everyone else lets these discussions "eat away" at them the same way you let them inflate your view of yourself (as if that was possible for you to have a more inflated view of yourself).
IOW, it is your attidute, not your correctness, that is the reason you get the responses you get. However, since trolls generally enjoy seeing the responses they can stir up, I don't expect you to change one whit.
In most debates, no matter how degrading mike is when illustrating a point, even when he is wrong according to how Craig (and myself) understands intent of a rule.. ole Irish usually can take as good as he gives..
This time, in addition to degrading me, you add to it by playing the "wahh hes a troll, he smells, i'm telling his commish" card.
This is laughable and absurd.
Are you 12 dakota?
Go kick rocks dakota.. i tire of your school yard games..
Whats next? Trying to take my lunch money?
Youre a piece of work...
Go tell a commish that you and STATE UIC told me I smell and am a little green man (bwhahaha, this is hard to type) and I hurted your feewings.
All because I said Local League SP players are fat beer breath guys..
OMG this is a riot.
Get over yourself, really.
Nevermind, this has to be a joke, you two are goofing on me.
No body in positions you two hold could be acting so lame.