Originally Posted by azbigdawg
Well, "tweedle dee", myself, and I'm sure others were just taken aback by the harshness of your repsonse to that post...... weve all been screened.... he handled it as best as he could..and I thought you were a little too hard on him because of it....especially since its a SERIOUS hazard of only having one set of eyes on the field.
I dont think anyone wants to tell on you....I for one was just curious as to where you were from and what association you were with. (ASA, or some other irrelevant organization..  )
I've had worse that this OP in one man...
1. I've taken a foul ball so hard to the mask I literally didnt know if the batter even swung and called it a ball.. thinking it musta been high, it hit me in the mask..
2. I've had a catcher intentionally screen her dropped ball on a play at home then quick release to 2nd... she got the out.. everyone else saw the catcher had dropped the ball.
3.. and the worse i've ever had, which is seered.. seered into my memory like a vietnam river boat trip.. on a steal at second, I popped out to watch the play and the batter took a practice swing smacking me straight into the face extremely hard.. by some grace of God, i had not removed my face mask.. saving me from who knows what..
Everyone gets screen.. the point is to try to learn from it. Each of those I learned from especially 2 & 3...
Trailing the BR as opposed to moving in is the solution in this OP's case IMo.. I've found it better position for the play.
That was my point, my unwarranted harshness aside.