Originally Posted by wadeintothem
oh boy..
Well you go sniveling to matt, I'll just tell him you called me a little green man
You guys really need to grow up..
There go sniveling to Matt that I told you to grow up for threatening to "tell on me"
too lame.
Show him/tell him whatever you want.
Thats not why I asked where you were UIC...It just seems that in the last week or so..your posts have been a little more arrogant and self promoting than in the past. Im NOT saying YOU are.... but I'm not the only one to raise my eyebrows at some of your posts...I was curious if you local UIC thing was a recent promotion....maybe that would explain it a little....if its not...maybe a bad week? Either way..maybe we need to back off bashing posters and remember that this is a forum to trade ideas and help younger umpires....not blare out our credentials or belittle an umpire who posts a GREAT post with a GREAT question.
You also never answered one of my questions.... have you ever been screened by a player?