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Old Wed Jul 05, 2006, 03:43pm
scottk_61 scottk_61 is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Posts: 573
Originally Posted by wadeintothem
Yes almost 3 years on this board, more posts than you, a local UIC .. and I'm a troll

Gimme a break scott.

I may not tow the line, which is why I can be right and stick to my guns when the "best" are saying something different, or follow certain "prestigious" posters around like their the 2nd coming of umpiring.. but I'm certainly no troll.
Actually, Little Green Man, I have been around since the inception of Brad's site. I changed my ID a few years back for convience.
As for counting posts, whoop didley doo! I am resonably sure that if we counted them all, I would be far ahead of you.

Being verbose doesn't make you more intelligent, just loud.

And as for being a local UIC, so what?
Been there done that many times, been an ASA association UIC (as an interim) when I was asked.
Lets see if we need to measure Johnson's here,

Worked in excess of 30 ASA Nationals,
about 8, maybe 9 ISA nationals back before they got stupid.
I am a Gold Medal umpire,
an ELite in SP and eligible as an Elite in MP and FP.
Am eligible to be ISF but due to health reasons didn't follow though even though I have been to the school.
I have worked State High school finals in 4 states.
Worked D1, 2 and NAIA ball.
Had the priveledge of working games for Olympic Developmental teams of various nations.
Have had the priveldge of working all levels of SP and FP as well as the Men's Major Modified.
Ummmm, I can even keep the count without the clicker thingy!!!!!!!!!!!

Wheee, so, I guess I should bow to your superior wisdom that isn't up to snuff and is out of step with the ruling bodies of the ASA code.

Who is your Commisioner and lets see what he thinks of your posting behavior?

And as for slamming Mike, he is a superior umpire that I have had the privelede to know online for many years. He took over an organization that had been neglected and has done a fantastic job. He has superior skills on the field and off. I have had the opportunity to meet him in purpose and other than him being a yankee (inside joke here. ) he is one he** of an individual.

So far, all that I see out of you is blowing your own horn (which won't do anything other than get you chapped lips) and arguing your position to the point of being obnoxious.

When you get elected to the NUS or some other noteworthy position, let me know, will you?

I apologize to the board members for wasting your bandwidth with this but felt it needed to be said.

If I have offended anyone else, I apologize

Last edited by scottk_61; Wed Jul 05, 2006 at 03:50pm.
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