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Old Wed Jul 05, 2006, 10:28am
AtlUmpSteve AtlUmpSteve is offline
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It may be a matter of what is the common practice in your area. In this area, it is absolutely within the authority and prerogative of a UIC to make that type of decision; and absolutely NOT one that a TD would make. At best, a TD would approach the UIC to suggest it may be time; but the TD can make the call, or wait if he chooses to allow the PU to decide.

One of the functions of a UIC is to make the job of the umpires easier, by making decisions on playing conditions, uniform violations, etc. Several UIC's on the NUS staff often observe that we, as umpires, can get in enough hot water just sticking with the basics of ball/strike, safe/out, and fair/foul. Knowing that the UIC has the politically unpopular calls (again, playing conditions and uniform issues) is one way to make it easier for the umpires, as well as creating consistency in interpretation and implementation across a multifield tournament.

Without seeing the condition (HTBT), I can't say if it was a good or bad decision; clearly the visiting team isn't going to like it even if it was pitch black. His call; he made it. Why stick around to discuss it; no discussion can be positive nor (should) change the decision.

Maybe poor judgment; maybe handled without diplomacy. Still his call; he can end the game. You shouldn't allow him to force you to continue when you think it is unsafe, but you have to allow him to make the decision to call it.
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