Stealing Home, P in Windup, Balk or No Balk?
Okay everybody, I need some insight here. Assume the following:
1. OBR rules
2. 1 man umpire
3. R2, R3 2 out
4. Pitcher in windup position
5. R3 attempts straight steal of home
I've read, re-read, and read again, rule 8.01 and I still have questions.
In terms of how the pitcher delivers the legal pitch
1. Can he speed up his delievery and still have that be a legal pitch?
2. Does the wind up have to look the same every time or is it as long as his pivot foot (in this case his right foot) is in contact with the pitcher's plate it's a good pitch?
3. What constitutes a balk versus a regular pitch here and as umpires what do you guys watch for in the prepitch to make sure you nail this call when working a 1 man game?
Thanks guys...I would appreciate any and all insight on this...
For what it's worth, I called the play a legal pitch, R3 out at home. To describe the situation in detail would require a YHTBT as I'm sure you can appreciate. Any scenarios/assumptions will be appreciated...Thanks!
It's like Deja Vu all over again