Thanks for the history lesson. I know I learned something, which to me is a key indicator that I'm still alive. I'm curious about what level you teach. Although I've never met you, I would guess that you are a fairly demanding teacher and that your students (at least those willing to exert the effort) actually learn something. In my mind, there is no more honorable or valuable vocation. (In case it is not clear, there is not an iota of sarcasm intended in my comments.)
To all who have responded,
Thank you for your assistance with my annual Independence Day quiz. You've given me some good new material.
My children really get a kick out of it - well, OK, they hate it. But, they do know "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness"; "Our Lives, Our Fortunes, and Our Sacred Honor"; and a few other things. I promise to leave your names out of it so that you will not have to suffer the disdain I do for engaging in this "tradition".
Last edited by UmpJM; Sat Jul 01, 2006 at 06:46pm.