Thread: Catch? Out?
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Old Sat Jul 01, 2006, 03:25pm
NFump NFump is offline
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Originally Posted by PWL
Excellent observation. This is what I have been trying to get through to certain people. The ball becomes foul when it is touched over foul territory. It is a foul ball until it is a catch. In foul ground you actually have to have the definition of a catch to advance. Not so in fair territory. Touch has nothing to do with it. Hence rule 7.02 (d) states a runner cannot advance until a foul ball is caught. What Steve fails to understand is that not every rule in baseball covers every single situation. Must have been one of those things he forgot.
7.02(d)? Non-existent. 7.02 states: In advancing, a runner shall touch first, second, third and home base in order. If forced to return, he shall retouch all bases in reverse order, unless the ball is dead under any provision of Rule 5.09. In such cases, the runner may go directly to his original base.

Now please read 5.09(e) The ball becomes dead and runners advance one base, or return to their bases, without liability to be put out, when-

(e) A foul ball is not caught; runners return.

Soooooooo.....even though it's foul it's not dead until it touches the ground (or some other unnatural object). If it's not dead, it's.......LIVE! If it's live it is the same as a fair ball. Rule 2.00 (Catch) Comment: A catch is legal if the ball if finally held by any fielder, even though juggled, or held by another fielder before it touches the ground. Runners may leave their bases the instant the first fielder touches the ball. A fielder may......and so on. The bold is the pertinent part. Notice it makes no mention of whether the ball is fair or foul. It's time to quit the BS.
Just where are those dang keys?!
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