Originally Posted by PWL
Hopefully, I'm talking to to some one who can look at things in a little different perspective. Just leave the rule to the side for a minute. If a ball is hit in fair ground you do not need the definition of a catch to advance, only a touch is required. If the ball is hit into foul territory, a fielder may bobble it five times and then drop it and no advance will take place. You need a legal catch to advance. Now 7.08(d) refers that a fair or foul ball be caught legally.
I have offered a solution to anyone that wants to take me up on the offer. I have spoken to Mr. Evans on this subject and this is answer he gave me. He stated that only a touch is required in fair territory, but a catch is required in foul territory. Never was a first touch brought up in the conversation, but he did imply that the rule was written incorrectly. So to me a definition of catch must be meet before a runner can legally tag when a play is being made on him in foul territory.
I finally see where you're coming from. What you've been trying to say is that on a foul fly ball it's a moot point as to whether or not the runner can advance on first touch if the ball is dropped. Simply put it's a foul ball dead ball. However, the play we've been discussing has the ball being legally caught, although it's been caught by a second fielder over foul territory where the ball remains live and in play. This means that the defintion of a legal catch has to be looked at to make a proper ruling. And we all know that on a legal catch the runner can advance on first contact.