Thread: Catch? Out?
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Old Fri Jun 30, 2006, 05:42pm
ctblu40 ctblu40 is offline
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Originally Posted by PWL
According to the rule book 7.08(d) he can only advance when the ball is caught. Too many people are trying to merge the definition of a catch into a completely different situation altogether.

Where does 7.10(a) have anything to do with this?

Does not anybody think with 237 errors (or more) in the rules of baseball, you could be looking at least two of them.
You have to merge the def of a catch with this sitch because a runner can only advance when the ball is caught. Try to look up the correct application of the rule as though you have no prior knowledge of the rules. After seeing d) He fails to retouch his base after a fair or foul ball is legally caught before he, or his base, is tagged by a fielder. He shall not be called out for failure to retouch his base after the first following pitch, or any play or attempted play. This is an appeal play;

The next logical step would be to find out what a catch is and then you read ...Rule 2.00 (Catch) Comment: A catch is legal if the ball is finally held by any fielder, even though juggled, or held by another fielder before it touches the ground. Runners may leave their bases the instant the first fielder touches the ball.
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