I, too, have used the Tanel 360 plate shoe for almost two years (approximately 150 games) and have not experienced the problem you describe, Tom.
They have been comfortable, provided good traction and mobility and, very importantly, have taken about a dozen foul balls- and one large catcher stepping on my foot with metal spikes!- with absolutely no injury to my feet.
The only conclusion I can draw is that you, Tom, must have abnormally large and horribly mishappen toes!
I can completely understand the problem you are describing. I have experienced it myself in steel-toed industrial safety shoes that I must wear from time-to-time at work.
Some pairs have been torture in the area you describe. Others, like the ones I have now, are as comfortable as any shoe I own. I believe that the difference is one of sizing. My recent pair was personally fitted by a shoe vendor that visits our plant once a year.
The only concern I do have with the Tanels is, ironically, in the same area you describe- the bending area directly in back of the toe-box where the ball of your foot hinges.
The leather seems to be breaking down a bit in this area which sees a lot of stress. I'm wondering how many more games are left in these shoes before I order the next pair!