Actually what I was thinking of was this:
Batter swings and misses at the pitch, and it hits him/her.
The scenario that was described to me was that the ball hit the batter on the hand as he swung and (presumably) went into fair territory. Defense throws the BR out at 1st for the out.
I was under the impression that if the ball hits the hands, it's a dead ball, HBP. And that since the batter swung, it would be a strike on the batter.
She think's I'm splitting hairs, because it sounds like he had two strikes already and would be out either way, but I am curious to know if I am correct about this rule or not.
"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." – Dalai Lama
The center of attention as the lead & trail. – me
Games officiated: 525 Basketball · 76 Softball · 16 Baseball