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Old Fri Jun 30, 2006, 08:04am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Snaqwells
I don't know. Not that it happens often, but you'd be adding a new coaching strategy when up by three and the opponent has to launch a last second shot from beyond half-court. Foul the shooter; he would only get two shots.
If it's (redefined to be) not a try, then there's no need to foul. It would be a live ball going thorugh the basket ==> 2 points.

The three-point shot is "good" for teams that run an offense to get someone open on the outside. I don't think it was intended for "last second desperation heaves". So, I'd either make them not a try, or call it a try but it's only worth two points.

Not a big deal either way, and there have been plenty of chances to change it and no rules code (that I'm aware of) has made the change, so it's not going to happen.
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