Originally Posted by PWL
When the first fielder touched the ball in foul territory it became a foul ball.
No, it was still an uncaught foul fly at the point of the first touch. The ball remains live and in play until it touches the ground. Think of it like this. Suppose the fielder who made the initial touch and subsequent deflection over foul territory ended up securing the ball himself before it touched the ground. Would the runner not be entitled to leave the instant of the deflection instead of having to wait for the fielder to show secure possession.
Originally Posted by PWL
When the second fielder caught the ball in foul territory it became a catch. You can look at it any way you want, and this is the proper call.
Fair ground.....touch
Foul ground.....catch
True, we could look at it any way we want. However, we choose to look at it in a light supported by the rules, rather than with blinders on in a cellar.