Thu Jun 29, 2006, 11:53am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: In a little pink house
Posts: 5,289
Perfect job for one of our esteemed memebers
I haven't seen this talked about yet, so I thought I'd post it. Wouldn't it be great if one of our own secured this job. At least then somebody could give an authoritative interpretation here for at least one level of play. Anybody interested? 
NCAA Women’s Basketball Secretary-Rules Editor
Applications are now being accepted for the NCAA Women’s Basketball Secretary-Rules Editor contractor position. The secretary-rules editor is the national interpreter for women’s basketball issues throughout the year, working with the NCAA Women’s Basketball Rules Committee and the NCAA National Coordinator of Officiating for Women’s Basketball to ensure accurate communication of the playing rules while evaluating the future of the game.
All applicants are requested to submit a resume, cover letter and a power point presentation outlining issues with the current playing rules that should be addressed by the rules committee. Materials are due to Heather Perry no later than July 12, 2006. ([email protected])
- Record rules changes adopted by the committee and update the rules manuscript in conjunction with the Men’s Basketball Secretary-Rules Editor accordingly;
- Adhere to publishing deadlines for publications;
- Ensure the technical accuracy of the rules for publication and proofreading the corrected version(s) in conjunction with the national coordinator of officiating;
- Facilitate production of finished artwork of diagrams or equipment that the committee wishes to include in the published rules;
- Act as the official interpreter of the rules between meetings of the committee in conjunction with the national coordinator of officiating and reporting interpretations to the committee by e-mail and on conference calls;
- Attend and assist the National Coordinator of Officiating at annual rules clinic presentations and on rules video productions;
- Develop and coordinate annual rules test for officials in conjunction with the national coordinator of officiating;
- Perform such other duties as the committee chair may direct;
- Prepare agenda for annual rules meeting;
- Develop annual survey and experimental rules survey to be sent to coaches, officials, and conference commissioners in conjunction with the national coordinator of officiating; and
- Attend and present, as needed, at the Women’s Final Four and Women’s Basketball Coaches Association Annual Convention.
- Excellent written and verbal communication and presentation skills (essential).
- Ability to relate effectively with officials and coaches on a national level (essential).
- Extensive knowledge of NCAA basketball rules and their relationship to officiating mechanics and techniques (essential).
- Strong administrative and organizational skills (essential).
- Ability to use electronic mail as a means of correspondence (essential).
- Experience in officiating or coaching at the collegiate level (preferred).
- A candidate shall not be an active coach, official or conference coordinator of officials.
"It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and then do your best." - W. Edwards Deming