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Old Thu Jun 29, 2006, 09:11am
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem
Hey, youre equally a piece of work.. you complain about zingers, and lace your own posts with zingers, you invent stuff.. (like rule changes, where did you get that?? We are subject to Mikes pals fixing what aint broke in the rule book every year.. thats part of umpiring. I never said anything about rule changes) .. not only that, I was more DEFENDIng my method, not claiming its the only right way, which is what you are doing for your own methods. I stated straight up my methods are not for everyone. Obviously not for you. Cool man.. Many umpires, many ways of doing things. You do what you dig.

Your posts are like living 1 dimensional irony.

Theres no rule you can cling to to support your contention I cant do what I do so you've resorted to rhetoric.

Sad really - hey if its not illegal, its legal.


Maybe if you dont like it you can get ahold of ASA and make lead offs legal and you can truely have a REAL live ball game..

but we dont as of now, so you will have to pretend we do.
Listen, wade, you started the little typical semi-flame internet dingers. You want to make this a flame war? You're on the wrong board.

You are taking the SP suspended play rule, applying it to FP, and using the unusual condition suspended play rule to justify your god-like power to do what you please, all in the name of making the game what you think it should be, or to be able to sit in the shade and ridicule your fellow blues about who can "manage" their games better.

I'm just glad you're somewhere else.

Riddle me this, batman, why do you have to kill the ball to get players to hustle? Here's another riddle... what the heck does the between innings warmups have to do with killing the ball? Your arguments are so scattershotted they defy logic. You can't keep on point - why do you kill the ball when it is in the hands of an outfielder? Answer that, will you?
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