Originally Posted by Justme's
blather blather
Wasnt me.. never worked adult bb.
Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
I've did baseball for 22 years, softball for 19. Some HS, womens and JO FP and a bundle of SP. There is no doubt in my mind that the SP game has too many variables and action to be boring. The whining is there in many areas. Maybe your in one of the rare locations that it just doesn't happen and that is a good thing.
But I'll bet it was a damn good strike one. Honestly, though, I don't know why you are doing SP. You obviously don't care for the game and my guess is that you think it is nothing more than one big keg game.
Oh, well, at lease someone is covering the games.
Maybe they whine, I just havent seen it.. dunno. Havent worked a lot of games and seems more of a friendly league.
Now mens fp tournies, oh boy do they boo hoo..
Im working SP games to give it a try.. we'll see if I keep it up. I like to play SP... umpiring it may not be my cup of tea - dont know yet.
I dont see this majestic beauty of SP that you do though, as of yet.
I think you just dont want to admit its easy money compared to real umpiring..