Originally Posted by Dakota
10-8-I says the umpire is to kill the ball when all immediate play has been completed. That is apparently your standard, which you also apparently interpret to fall into the "conditions justify" clause of 10-8-A, which I claim was not the intent at all.
Yes, it is a straw man argument in replying to my posts, since I never raised that argument. I am arguing against killing the ball just because you, the umpire, think things should stop now.
What people are waiting? Can't you keep a game moving without killing it?  all you want. My original, and still, objection to your philosophy is that you apparently kill the ball during live action merely because the players are too slow and are keeping you out of the shade.
If you care to reply to me again, keep it to that topic, will you? And quit dragging in all of your other silliness about 5 minutes between innings, people waiting on a pitch to happen, etc., etc. All of that can be controlled without calling TIME 200 times a game.
The only games where there is probably time enough to call time 200 times a game is yalls
S'Ok dakota, i know ur prone to overreaching rhetoric to inflate in your mind the value your point.
Man with work and umpiring every day, havent had much time to get the anal retentive point of view of umpiring..
man i missed yall