Originally Posted by PWL
First of all getting into heated arguments about this is poor game management on your part.
Really? What what you suggest someone do when a coach gets upset over such a trivial thing? I have no contol over their emotions until they cross the line. Then again, I know what to do when they cross the line and will not hesitate to pull the trigger when they do.
Originally Posted by PWL
It shows you have lost control of a simple situation.
I fail to see how a coach getting all jumpy about this has anything to do with me losing control. All I can do is explain the rule and if they get upset it's on them, not me.
Originally Posted by PWL
I don't believe two coaches have used the same argument having to wear a mask. Is there a conspiracy going on?
You're probably right. Of the 80 or more Babe Ruth coaches I've encountered this season, the two that made the same argument were conspiring against me. My paranoia know's no bounds.
Originally Posted by PWL
Your little witty repertoire is uncalled for. All commandments are not laws nor in the baseball rule book. Just cite the rule and be done with it.
BTW-Stealing is allowed in baseball.
I'll take that into account the next time I need to difuse a heated situation with a little humor. Lord knows how using a little humor at times is always the wrong thing to do.