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Old Wed Jun 28, 2006, 01:04pm
ChuckElias ChuckElias is offline
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Originally Posted by IUgrad92
So how can the same action by A1 result in different calls?? Just by the reaction of B1?? Don't think so.
Well, you might not think so; but in this case, what you think doesn't matter. Here's the definition of fighting, which JR has already posted a couple times:

NFHS rule 4-18-2 "Fighting includes but is not limited to combative acts such as an attempt to instigate a fight by committing an unsporting act towards an opponent that causes an opponent to retaliate by fighting".
So you see that you can have an unsporting act that on its own might not warrant an ejection. But if the act causes an opponent to retaliate, then the original act is considered fighting. You might not like that definition, but it is what it is.

You seem to have taken a dislike to JR, and that's ok. He can be a grouch. But you'd be well-served not to argue the rules with him. There are about a half-dozen people on this forum who know the rules inside and out, backward and forwards. JR's one of them.

Take it for what it's worth.
Any NCAA rules and interpretations in this post are relevant for men's games only!
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