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Old Wed Jun 28, 2006, 08:39am
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA
Why not call time? Some on this board are aware of my feelings. I believe FP should take from the SP game. Eliminate the LBR and call time when it is obvious all further play, offensive or defensive, is complete.

There is no good reason, other than to steal a cheap out, to keep the ball live. If play is suspended, the umpire, coaches, players, parents, etc. do not have to worry about a runner inadvertantly stepping off a base, the pitcher putting the ball between her knees to fix her hair, the drawing of a circle, whether the foot is on the circle or just outside of it, whether the runner leaned toward 2B when returning to 1B or not, yada, yada, yada.

Oooohh, but what if the runner refuses to go one way or the other and just stands there? You do the same as in SP, kill the play and reset for the next pitch. Don't give me all the old school "what ifs" because they are irrelevant to my opinion and since this is my post and rant, it's the only one that counts.

I agree with this.. especially timed tourneys.. I speed up by calling time so we dont have to wait for the outfielder to slowly walk the ball in and other crap.

When all play is stopped.. I call time and say "ok throw the ball in lets go"...
At a play at the base I also call time when the play is over so they dont stand there holding their mit on the runner hoping for some cheap out. "Time - you can get up".. thats the end of it.

I been working a bunch of little ball lately and the thing about baseball I hate is how much time is wasted on BS. I recently had a pitcher throw the ball to first base 10-12 times in a row. I later found out the runner and pitcher had a feud going on. Thats 5-7 minutes of my life I'll never get back...

In the sitch above though.. if the runner was off the bag.. then I wouldnt call time because the runner is still "in play"..

I do call time when its all over, but if play is still on going I dont call or grant time.

Mens FP is real quick to try to call time when its unwarranted.. This weekend I had a situation with a play at first and overthrow and the runner started to advance.. but the ball bounced back to the 1basemen .. so he yelled time.. luckily he made it back and I didnt have to listen to him boohooo (as men in C Div love to cry) about how he had "time" as he was tagged out.
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