The worst umpire ever!
In one of my previous post I mentioned my hated of the other umpire. This is a little article I wrote for our association newsletter about the other umpire.
BTW if you want to see others our web page is
The worst umpire ever!
There is an umpire in our association that I absolutely hate. I would go so far as to say every time I met him I want to punch him in the nose. This umpire makes the worst call, has the worst attitude, is never properly dressed, doesn’t know the rules, is a lazy goof-off, and is apparently does more games that anyone else in the association. Who is the weasel? The Other Umpire.
Have you ever made a call or enforced a rule only to hear from the players about what the other umpire did or didn’t do? The other umpire didn’t make us do that, or the other umpire let us, or the other umpire made us. The other umpire is so often plain wrong I wonder how he got onto the field in the first place. These are some of the comments made to me by players this week.
The other umpire told us you have to slide at home.
The other umpire allowed this bat in the game last week.
The other umpire didn’t make us remove our jewelry.
The other umpire said you don’t have to tag-up on an in field fly.
The other umpire said you get 1 + 1 on an over throw.
The other umpire said you only get one base on an overthrow from the out field.
How many of you hate this guy too? Lets vote him out of the association, banish him forever, send him far away. How can we rid ourselves of this horrible umpire? Simply by being better umpires ourselves. The other umpire can’t stand the light of common sense, good understanding of the rules, and proper on field mechanics. He crumbles to dust at the mere mention of reading the rule book. He heads for the hills every time we attend a clinic or an umpire school. Every time we act as a team and make the same call the same way, or correctly enforce to rules the other umpire is ejected from the game.
Let us send this guy packing.