Thread: plate mechanic
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Old Mon Jun 26, 2006, 07:22am
lawump lawump is offline
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve
Perhaps you should ask the person(s) who wrote the NCAA Evaluation Standards, since he/she/they wrote this as one of the criteria:

"Has a grasp of how the zone can be adjusted in lopsided game."

I don't think that anybody considers a 6 run deficit to be "lopsided." Lopsided is usually 10 runs or more behind.

And maybe lawump had a big strike zone to start with, and couldn't have widened it out more than it already was. How about it, lawump?
Well, after one of my minor league games in I was taking a shower, my Dad was waiting for me outside our locker room, and he started talking to one of the team's pitching coaches, Bob Stanley.

After Bob asked my Dad who he was with (and my dad said the umpire), Bob cracked a joke. He said, "If your son was umpiring 10 years ago, I'd still be in the major leagues!"
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