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Old Sun Jun 25, 2006, 10:54am
mattmets mattmets is offline
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Originally Posted by nickrego
Yeah, Harold makes some mistakes now and then.

But I like him. At least he remembers how to play baseball.

If you start disliking any commentator, just watch a game being called by Joe Morgan, and you will appreciate everybody else.

If you ever need a side-splitting afternoon, go through the archives here.

Here in Mets fan-dom, we are so spoiled with Howie Rose, Gary Cohen, and we were with the late Bob Murphy. Talk about 3 guys who know the rules, understand what's going on, and often cite specific examples/rules when they are applicable.
Throwing people out of a game is like riding a bike- once you get the hang of it, it can be a lot of fun.- Ron Luciano
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