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Old Sat Jun 24, 2006, 04:53pm
IUgrad92 IUgrad92 is offline
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Funny, Dan. Instead of clarifying what you've previously said, "I hope the kid learned his lesson", "The kid is a cheap shot artist"... which both I pretty much disagree with, you resort to personal attacks.

How do you know this kid is a cheap shot artist? What qualifies to be as such? One push in the back, two times, three?

Are you saying now that players should take it upon themselves to teach players from the other team a lesson if they feel justified??

Someone giving a shove to another player is something that we've all seen and dealt with more than once during a game. How may officials have had to deal with a player clothes-lining another player to the point of unconsciousness and then beat him on the back of his head while he's out cold on the court?? Huh, how many?? That kind of action/retaliation is way way way over the line. And all you can say Dan, is that hopefully the kid learned his lesson. Man, that sure takes a college degree to make that kind of statement.

This was not a 'fight', as that takes two people. I would guarantee that any NBA player that did this exact same thing would be fined thousands of dollars and suspended for a number of games. How do I know that? Because players have been suspended and fined for much less.

Dan, here's a hint. Stick to the facts, stick to your comments, defend them, whatever. Just don't resort to personal attacks. It doesn't make you look good, bro :-)

Chuck, Just wanted to let you know that I've scanned this post 5 times for mis-spellings and/or using a word in the wrong context. I didn't find any, so rest easy. It sure has got to be a burden to be you, to have made thousands of posts and to have never made a typo or mis-used a word. Keep the streak going!!! And second, this kid did not deserve to be taught a lesson in this fashion. That's what the officials and coaches are there for.
When the horn sounds, we're outta here.
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