Originally Posted by Mountaineer
I don't argue balls/strikes - period. Sure the occasional, "blue where was that?" But I stress occasional! The answer that Steve gave about "Not in the strikezone" is always a good one. I usually have a good raport with the coaches in our area and this past year in fall ball a coach didn't like a call on the inside - he thought she caught the corner. He and his assistant both went "OOOOOOOOOOOO" - I walked over to them and said, "I hope you're looking at the fireworks when you do that!" They cracked up and now everytime they are at a field where I am working they give me an obligitory "OOOOOOOOOOOO".
I have more patience with softball coaches than I do in basketball but if they want to argue ball/strikes - they can do it from home because they aren't staying around the ball park.
Officiating takes more than OJT.
It's not our jobs to invent rulings to fit our personal idea of what should and should not be.