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Old Fri Jun 23, 2006, 07:41am
Mountaineer Mountaineer is offline
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I don't argue balls/strikes - period. Sure the occasional, "blue where was that?" But I stress occasional! The answer that Steve gave about "Not in the strikezone" is always a good one. I usually have a good raport with the coaches in our area and this past year in fall ball a coach didn't like a call on the inside - he thought she caught the corner. He and his assistant both went "OOOOOOOOOOOO" - I walked over to them and said, "I hope you're looking at the fireworks when you do that!" They cracked up and now everytime they are at a field where I am working they give me an obligitory "OOOOOOOOOOOO".

I have more patience with softball coaches than I do in basketball but if they want to argue ball/strikes - they can do it from home because they aren't staying around the ball park.
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