Originally Posted by BenedictArnold
I am confused by this thread. You said bases loaded and a walk to win the game? Right?
If that is the case, there is no issue of abandoning effort. Once ball four is declared, all runners are forced to advance to a base that they have been rightfully given. Under professional rules, that run scores no matter what the B/R or any other runner does. This is in both the OBR and the MLB umpire manual. Guys you are confusing this with the Robin Ventura homerun. If a player hits a homerun and decided not to run to 1st...no run. The reason is that the runners are not forced/given anything on a base hit. There is always the one exception that these players will do things that make no sense precisely when it costs their team the most.
But seriously, you did this right but for the wrong reasons. Doing nothing was correct. For a quick and easy reference to see this in action, look at any MLB game where the game winning run was walked in. The base umpires are walking toward the lockeroom while the plate guy must stand there and see the touch of the plate.
Don't think too much about this stuff. Abandoning effort is on homeruns and basehits...and those are time plays as of the instant the umpire declares he abandoned his effort. Reaching the dugout is for drop third strikes...once the B/R reaches the top steo of their dugout they are out when they could have advanced to 1st. This is definitely not an appeal play. We are not appealing anything that could prevent that R3 from scoring on this base on balls.
Just thought I woulod help. Good to see the board getting back to the roots that are actually useful. Hopefully this is a sign that the last few months are in the past. Lets keep movinhg in this direction.
Mr. Arnold, I couldn't disagree more. Please see the bottom of page 33 of the 2006 OBR Sporting News rule book. Rule 4.09(b) states exactly the opposite of what you just cited it as saying,
"When the winning run is scored in the last half-inning of a regulation game, or in the last half of an extra inning, as a result of a base on balls, hit batter, or any other play with the bases full which forces the runner on third to advance, the umpire shall not declare the game ended until the runner forced to advance from third has touched home base and the batter-runner has touched first base."
For simplicity in remembering the differences in 2 out, bases loaded, game ending situations I offer this;
-bases loaded
hit, all runners must advance and touch to remove the force
-bases loaded
walk, R3 and B/R must advance and touch to end game. Other runners need not advance.