Originally Posted by BayStateRef
Babe Ruth game (14-year-olds)
Tie score. Bottom 7th. Two out. Runner on third. 3-0 count. Next pitch bounces in dirt (Ball 4) and gets away from catcher. R3 scores. Batter/runner heads for first as teammates come out from first base dugout to celebrate win. Batter/runner never reaches first base, instead joining his teammates who are on the grass between home and first. Players line up to "congratulate" other team.
What is the proper ruling? (And please cite the rule to support this.) If batter/runner is out, at what point does the umpire call it? Must the defense tag the runner? If not, at what point does the umpire rule the batter/runner out?
The others have given you the rule and authoritative opinion on the subject at hand but now reality.
When the winning run scores, we get to go home no need to go to extra innings, therefore, as soon as you see his teammates start to come out you put a stop to it right away. Something along the lines of:
"Gentlemen stay in the dugout until the game is Over"
That statement alone will get the attention of the BR to make certain he touches first base.
This year HS has made it a point of emphasis to keep players in the dugout until the game is over. HS doesn't even want players coming out on Home-Runs either. Also, in the above situation given FED rules, ALL runners have to fulfill their base running obligations not just R3 and the BR.
When it's time to Go Home make certain you go home.
Pete Booth