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Old Wed Jun 21, 2006, 10:22am
BayStateRef BayStateRef is offline
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I am a (very) occassional fill-in umpire, so I am not fully versed in all the lingo. I don't know what J/R is. My Little League Rule Book is the 2004 version, so there may be updates. But I find the following:

6.09 (b) A batter forfeits his opportunity to advance to first base when he enters the dugout or other dead ball area.

I knew this rule. But the batter never entered a dead ball area. Does that matter?

If it is not specifically covered in LL rules, then do the MLB rules apply? I see these rules are much more specific and seem to properly cover this situation:

(a) EXCEPTION: A run is not scored if the runner advances to home base during a play in which the third out is made ... (3) by a preceding runner who is declared out because he failed to touch one of the bases.
Rule 4.09(b) PENALTY: If, with two out, the batter-runner refuses to advance to and touch first base, the umpire shall disallow the run, call out the offending player, and order the game resumed.

Rule 4.09(b) specifically refers to a two-out, bases-loaded situation.

I am troubled by this play, since if this happened on the 2-0 pitch and the run scored on the wild pitch, there would be no doubt that the run counts and the game is over.
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